
Workflow Manager Disaster Recovery

Workflow Manager Disaster Recovery Workflow Manager is an added value to the SharePoint 2013, in the previous versions workflow was part of the SharePoint on SharePoint 2013 there are 2 flavors you can use when developing workflows the first one is the SharePoint 2010 workflow and the second and new one is the new workflow manager which is now a separate component, when you install the new workflow manager it will allow to create SharePoint 2013 workflows. The Architecture of the Workflow Manager depends on several separate databases to save the workflows so now the workflows are stored on those separate databases and not on the content databases so important in any backup and restore to make sure that all those workflows are backed up in case restoration is needed and while restoring there are important steps and scripts that needs to run in certain order to restore the workflow farm correctly. I will be walking through the steps to restore the workflow farms and the scripts used ...

Site slowness because of SharePoint STS certificate CRL checking

Assume that you have a web application that uses claims-based authentication in SharePoint Foundation 2010 or SharePoint Server 2010. The SharePoint server does not have access to the Internet, or the server is protected by a firewall that has limited ports open. In this situation, users intermittently experience long delays when they perform certain operations, such as logging in to the site or performing a search. Users may also encounter HTTP timeouts when they perform these operations.

Tasks Aggregation

In SharePoint 2013, there is a new feature called Task Aggregation.

SharePoint 2013 Designer workflow and sending emails

In SharePoint 2013 designer workflows if you created workflow with 2013 workflow template you will not be able to end email outside your domain resolution to that, create separate 2010 workflow that sends email and start it from your 2013 workflow. check those articles too check those artilce

Move SharePoint Farm to New Domain

Here you are the complete steps check those links also

How to add big files in SharePoint (More than 2 GB)

you have 3 options 1- use a software to split those large files and uplod 2 SharePoint and then after downloading u merge them 2- Use file Share to store those large files and from SharePoint create a view to access the file Share 3- Upload those file to a cloud solution and add links to them in a SharePoint list

Add Video in Content Editor

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