It’s been a few decades since Microsoft started its journey from just providing operating systems like DOS then Windows with all it versions. Now Microsoft has hit the refresh button as Satya Nadella, the Microsoft CEO, has published a new book titled "Hit Refresh," where Satya speaks about the Microsoft transformation and the chance to learn from others' “hit refresh” moments. Indeed Microsoft, in the last few years, has hit refresh several times and provided its partners tools like Office 365, Windows 10, Cortana and Azure to help them provide better solutions for clients. Since the release of Office 365 and Windows 10, the wheel of innovation did not stop. Day by day Microsoft is providing additional capabilities to make the whole experience of transformation to cloud more attractive to business. As a Microsoft MVP, what I see is very promising to everyone. Starting from large clients to partners, to small and medium size clients to users, developers and to DevOp...