
Showing posts from February, 2014

Retrieve SharePoint Account Password

Found interesting scripts over Microsoft Gallery and re sharing $ver = $host | select version if ($ver.Version.Major -gt 1) {$Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"} Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ## #This Script Retrieves The Password for a specific SharePoint Managed Account ## ## #Begin Setting Script Variables ## $AccountToRetrieve = "Domain\User" ## #Begin Script ## #Retrieve the SharePoint farm $Farm = get-spfarm | select name #Get the Configuration Database from the farm $Configdb = Get-SPDatabase | ? {$ -eq $Farm.Name.Tostring()} #Get the Managed Account we defined as a script variable $ManagedAccount = get-SPManagedAccount $AccountToRetrieve #Retrieve the password, assign it to a variable $Password = cmd.exe /c $env:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppool "Password Retrieval" /text:ProcessModel.Password #Output the Password to the screen for the admini...

SharePoint State Service Provision

With   3 Commands you can provision the State Service in SP 2010 which is needed for infopath templates $serviceApp = New-SPStateServiceApplication -Name "StateServiceName" New-SPStateServiceDatabase -Name "StateServiceDatabaseName" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp New-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy -Name "ApplicationProxyName" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp -DefaultProxyGroup

Change Logging Level in MOSS 2007

step 1: Go to Logging in Central Admin, Select All Categories then set both event log and diagnostic logging to None and remove the path for the log folder Step 2: restart timer and tracing services on all servers Step 3: Go to Logging in Central Admin, Select All Categories then set event log level to error and diagnostic log to unexpected and put the log folder path step 4: restart timer and tracing services on all servers

Configuring eDiscovery for SharePoint 2013 the complete steps

 I noticed that the available documentation for configuring eDiscovery Integration between SharePoint 2013 and Exchange 2013 not complete so here you are the complete steps 1  Create Application management Service Application 2  Start the App Management Service 3  Start the Microsoft Foundation Subscription Settings Service 4  Create Search Service Application 5  Create User profile Application 6  Start the User Profile service 7  Start the User profile Sync service. 8  Configure the user profile sync service 9  Start user profile synchronization. 10 Start web services app pool from IIS on all SharePoint servers 11 Create Https web application to host the eDiscovery center with site collection using eDiscovery  template  from the Enterprise templates and need to adjust DNS record to point to it and if there are virtual IP request a.       On the first WFE:         ...

Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM) with MOSS 2007

Steps for installation of DPM to protect MOSS environment. 1- Install the MOSS then WSS sp1 then MOSS sp1 2- Install Knowledge Base article 941422, "Update for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0" ( ). 3- Install Knowledge Base article 941422 on all protected servers on which Windows SharePoint SharePoint Services 3.0, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 SP1 are installed. 4- Prepare the DPM Box: (Install DPM on a server different than the servers used on the  MOSS Farm)  1- Install Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later.  2- Install Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB940349)  3- Install Windows PowerShell 1.0 English-Language Installation Package for Windows Server 2003 (KB926139)  4- Windows Deployment Services (WDS) on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) servers.  -OR-  SIS on Windows Storage Server 2003 R2.  5- I...

Enable error viewing in SharePoint

If you faced an unknown error in SharePoint, I am sure that it will not be your happiest moment. To know what is the real error to be able to solve it you have to change 2 options in web.config of the web application that  hosts your site. 1-Open web.config 2- Change customErrors mode="on"   to customErrors mode="off" 3- Change CallStack="false" to CallStack="true" And wishing you a happy debugging.

Application Pools doesn't appear in IIS

I faced an issue with IIS when trying to see the available application pools. But the IIS tree seems to be empty. To solve this issue: 1- Close the IIS 2- Open the Services (click Start , click Control Panel , double-click Administrative Tools , and then double-click Services) .  or if on windows server go to Administrative tools from Start and then services. 3- Stop the IIS Admin service and then start it and make sure to stop and start the services that depends on it too. 4- Open the IIS the application pools will be there.

SharePoint Disaster Backup

Steps to make a disaster back up: Record which Web applications are associated with the SSPs ·          Perform a full back up of the SSPs. ·          Completely stop the farm by stopping the services associated with Office SharePoint Server 2007 and by stopping Internet Information Services (IIS). ·          Back up the following databases by using SQL Server 2005 tools: o         Content databases o         Central Administration content database o         Configuration database o         Windows SharePoint Services Help Search database o         Back Up the SQL Server logins, fixed server roles, fixed database roles, and permissions for these databases o  ...

Internet Explorer crashes on opening of a document in Document Library

We have faced an issue before that some users when opening a document in SharePoint document library the internet explorer crashes. After investigation I have found that this issue most pobably happens due to existance of several versions of office on the machine. To solve that check these links:

change service accounts and service account passwords in SharePoint

Changing the passwords from time to time is a healthy thing to do. Here you are a nice link to do that in SharePoint accounts.

Failure to deploy Solutions on MOSS Farm

Somtimes the solution status keeps as deploying, seems that it is stucked to solve that we can do the following: Run stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs on all the servers in the farm Restart the timer service.

Lotus Notes Migration To MOSS steps

To migrate lotus notes to SharePoint here you are the steps and some useful links: Steps : Use Microsoft Application Analyzer 2006 for Lotus Domino to start the process of analyzing Domino applications: a. Identify which applications are still active and which applications should be archived. b. Eliminate administration and mail applications from the migration or integration list. c.  Determine which applications should be migrated and which applications should be integrated with Microsoft technologies. Build a proof-of-concept environment to test the migration to new or existing applications   Use Transporter Suite, .Net or third-party tools to migrate or integrate applications, or move to existing applications or off-the-shelf applications. Tools: [Free from Microsoft]     http://www.mic...