
Showing posts with the label SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 Tools

There are some tools that are nice to have when dealing with SharePoint: DisposeChecker Developer dashboard .NET reflector Fiddler httpWatch LDP.exe nslookup Telnet wireshark netmon  Notepad++ SQL trace logs event viewer DisposeChecker ulsviewer

SharePoint 2013 User Profile synchronization versus import

Reference is : 2013 advanced Training User Profile Service administrators in SharePoint 2013 can use profile synchronization to manage and synchronize the user and group profile data stored in the SharePoint 2013 profile store with profile data stored in directory services and BDC systems. There are two distinct forms of profile import and synchronization available in SharePoint 2013: ·          One-way profile import. This is a new implementation of a simple import process that was first provided in SharePoint Server 2007. It uses the SharePoint Active Directory Import option to import user profile data from Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). Note: One-way profile import only works with Active Directory and does not support other directory services. ·          Two-way profile synchronization. This uses the SharePoint Server 2013 profile synchronization method that was first introduced...

SharePoint Online Developer Resources

The resources: 1-       Use your MSDN subscription to check the office 365 developer site 2-       You can create your windows azure machines if you have MSDN subscription   or bought machines 3-       Check some links below and you can do your own investigation too Some Links for development SharePoint apps: (Important) (Important) (Important) (Important)[0].Value=SharePoint&f[0].Type=SearchText&ac=2 http...

SharePoint Vanity URLs

Vanity URL is the url that just redirects to existing site to do that in SharePoint 2010/2013: Note: the following steps needs to be done on all front ends servers if you are having more than 1 and also make sure to add it to the DNS In IIS go to sites and add new one and enter the site information with the host name for vanity URL in the permissions for the new site add all authenticated users with read permission In IIS section click Authentication enable Windows Authentication till focused on the Windows Authentication in the right pane click Advanced Settings and deselect Enable Kernel-mode authentication. In IIS section, click HTTP Redirect. Check Redirect requests to this destination and enter the redirection information and apply this rule Now the vanity URL is ready

Disable Throttling on SharePoint List

    $Site  =  Get-SPWeb –Identity <URL> $List  =  $Site.Lists[" List Name "] $List.EnableThrottling =  $false $List.Update()

Migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

  Steps for migration from from 2010 to 2013: Perform a SQL Server full backup of the content database(s) in the 2010 farm. Restore DB(s). Create new web application in the 2013 farm. Deploy any Custom solutions. Test content DB to make sure that it has no issues (if issues found try to resolve them). Test-SPContentDatabase -name <SP DB Name> -WebApplication <web app url> Add the new content database restored to the target web application. Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name <db name> -DatabaseServer <db alias> -WebApplication <web app url> Verify that the site opens.

Migrate SharePoint DBs

  To Migrate SharePoint DBs from SQL Server to another either same version or to a new version (2008 to 2008 or 2008 to 2012) you can follow the following steps:   Stop all SharePoint and IIS Related Services. Stop IIS. Detach all related SQL Server databases. Configuration database Central Administration content database Content databases Service application databases   Move all database files (.mdf, .ldf, and .ndf) to the new server. Set up same user permissions on the new SQL server. Attach your databases to the new SQL Server. Verify ports in your new SQL server. Go to your SharePoint server and create your SQL Server Alias. Start all your SharePoint services.

Retrieve SharePoint Account Password

Found interesting scripts over Microsoft Gallery and re sharing $ver = $host | select version if ($ver.Version.Major -gt 1) {$Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"} Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ## #This Script Retrieves The Password for a specific SharePoint Managed Account ## ## #Begin Setting Script Variables ## $AccountToRetrieve = "Domain\User" ## #Begin Script ## #Retrieve the SharePoint farm $Farm = get-spfarm | select name #Get the Configuration Database from the farm $Configdb = Get-SPDatabase | ? {$ -eq $Farm.Name.Tostring()} #Get the Managed Account we defined as a script variable $ManagedAccount = get-SPManagedAccount $AccountToRetrieve #Retrieve the password, assign it to a variable $Password = cmd.exe /c $env:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppool "Password Retrieval" /text:ProcessModel.Password #Output the Password to the screen for the admini...

SharePoint State Service Provision

With   3 Commands you can provision the State Service in SP 2010 which is needed for infopath templates $serviceApp = New-SPStateServiceApplication -Name "StateServiceName" New-SPStateServiceDatabase -Name "StateServiceDatabaseName" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp New-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy -Name "ApplicationProxyName" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp -DefaultProxyGroup

Configuring eDiscovery for SharePoint 2013 the complete steps

 I noticed that the available documentation for configuring eDiscovery Integration between SharePoint 2013 and Exchange 2013 not complete so here you are the complete steps 1  Create Application management Service Application 2  Start the App Management Service 3  Start the Microsoft Foundation Subscription Settings Service 4  Create Search Service Application 5  Create User profile Application 6  Start the User Profile service 7  Start the User profile Sync service. 8  Configure the user profile sync service 9  Start user profile synchronization. 10 Start web services app pool from IIS on all SharePoint servers 11 Create Https web application to host the eDiscovery center with site collection using eDiscovery  template  from the Enterprise templates and need to adjust DNS record to point to it and if there are virtual IP request a.       On the first WFE:         ...