Usage and Popularity Trends Report not showing correct numbers
Recently came into issue that popularity trends showing zero while users are accessing documents so I have that there is a parameter called TailTrimming as mentioned in this reference blog For example, for the Views usage event the TailTrimming parameter is by default set to 3. This means that the usage analytics reports will be updated for an item when the item has been viewed a minimum three times within the last 24 hours. For example, if the item Fabrikam Laptop16 M6000 has been viewed twice within the last 24 hours, these two views won’t show up in the usage analytics reports. If within the next 24 hours the Fabrikam Laptop16 M6000 item is viewed 4 times, the usage analytics report will be updated with 4 views. to adjust it needs to run the following commands $SSP = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy $tenantConfig = $SSP.G...